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UK PM May: We will not leave EU without cross-party support


British Prime Minister is now explaining the details of her new Brexit deal in a speech with key quotes, via Reuters, found below. • I want to reach out to every single conservative MP. • Not possible to replace Irish backstop. • We place government under obligation to find alternative arrangements to backstop. • Should the backstop come into force, the government will commit to keep Britain aligned with Northern Ireland. • This new Brexit deal has significant changes to protect integrity of UK. • We will not leave EU without cross-party support. (full story)

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UK PM May: Will include in WAB a requirement to vote on whether to hold a second referendum


British Prime Minister is now explaining the details of her new Brexit deal in a speech with key quotes, via Reuters, found below. • Great opportunity of leaving the EU is to have an independent trade policy. • The government and opposition agree that we must have close to possible as frictionless trade at UK-EU border. • Government will commit in law to allow parliament to decide issue of temporary customs union. • We should not be asking Britons to vote in second referendum. • Will include in WAB a requirement to vote on whether to hold a second referendum. (full story)

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